


SPM HD on Low Speed Machinery in Paper Production

SPM HD on Low Speed Machinery in Paper Production

Ortviken Paper Mill owned by SCA and located in Sweden is equipped with four paper machines. It has an annual production capacity of 850.000 tons in producing publication papers, LWC and newsprint. Ortviken has used SPM HD Technologies for Condition Monitoring for solving bearing-related breakdowns on low-RPM machinery like the twin wire presses (used for ...

Online Condition Monitoring on a Coal-Conveyor

Online Condition Monitoring on a Coal-Conveyor

Savage is (an energy service provider) located in Amarillo, Texas, USA has installed SPM online condition monitoring system on a coal-conveyor to eliminate concern of equipment failure; and therefore ensure uninterrupted and safe supply of fuel to Xcel Energy’s Harrington Generating Station. Bearing Monitoring Keeps Coal Safely on the Move The only damage which conveyor ...

Online Condition Monitoring in Swedish Wind Farm Slitevind

Online Condition Monitoring in Swedish Wind Farm Slitevind

Slitevind AB which offers renewable energy project development services. Since replacement of damaged gears in wind farms is very expensive, engineers in Slitevind AB decided to install an online condition monitoring system that can prevent from it. Slitevind AB has 29 wind turbines in Sweden where 18 of them are on the island Gotland. 10 ...

Other Applications for Acoustic Camera

Other Applications for Acoustic Camera

Nowadays, people are setting stricter standards concerning noise generated by objects they use in their routine lives. Therefore, acoustic requirements for such products must be considered both during quality control and during product development. For instance, when doing quality control, you can eliminate the acoustically abnormal devices from the production line and then examine them ...

Acoustic Camera in the Energy Industry

Acoustic Camera in the Energy Industry

In wind farms and electrical substations, sound emissions are common and can point to defects. And, when you have such sound events in wind turbines or substations; you may want to know the answer to the following questions: Is a rotor blade defective, and if so, which one? Does a component need to be replaced? ...

Acoustic Camera for Measuring Environmental Noise

Acoustic Camera for Measuring Environmental Noise

Operating facilities for energy generation and production cause noise emissions (environmental noise) that violate legal requirements; which will eventually lead to the following problems: Unpleasing and impaired working atmosphere for everyone including the employees Legal disputes with local residents It’s true that exceeding limit values is quickly proven; but the attribution to noise emitters at ...

Acoustic Camera in Automotive Industry

Acoustic Camera in Automotive Industry

With each new vehicle generation, acoustic requirements for vehicles are requiring much skill and effort. And as a result using an acoustic camera for noise source identification is becoming an inseparable part in automotive industry. Moreover, the best possible reduction of noise and disturbing vibrations is absolutely necessary in automotive development. Generally, the most problematic ...

Acoustic Camera in Building Acoustics

Acoustic Camera in Building Acoustics

Unwanted noise and sound transmissions in buildings are serious problems. And, detecting the cause can be like a guessing game! However, if professionals of building acoustics use an acoustic camera together with a a tapping machine or an omnidirectional loudspeaker; they can acquire information about all acoustic conditions within a building: Acoustic leakages at doors ...

Acoustic Cameras in Machinery Construction

Acoustic Cameras in Machinery Construction

The engineers who are working in the field of machinery construction are constantly trying to reduce sound emissions. In fact, they use sound level meters to determine if a product or process complies with the legally prescribed limits or not. What to Do if that is Not the Case? Which component is causing the problem? ...

Noise Visualization Using P132/P50 Acoustic Camera

Noise Visualization Using P132/P50 Acoustic Camera

Unwanted noise generated by machinery or in badly insulated buildings is not only disturbing but can point to defects; however when searching for defects, a lot of valuable time is often wasted. In fact, conventional acoustic cameras are usually unwieldy, expensive and difficult to operate. And, handheld devices deliver results that are too in accurate, ...

Turbocharger An Example of Condition Based Maintenance in Maritime Industry

Turbocharger: An Example of Condition Based Maintenance in Maritime Industry

Shock pulse transducers placed in bearing housings, both on the compressor and the turbine side, are connected to a multichannel measuring and display module by coaxial cables. And, a vibration transducer keeps a regular check on the overall movement. You can also capture the readings using a handheld unit like SPM Leonova Emerald or SPM ...


Condition Based Maintenance in the Maritime Industry

Nowadays, there’re no more large vessels and a great number of crew. In fact, the trend moves towards large vessels which’re run by less crew. Because, when you operate large ships with a small crew; you can concentrate on how to use man-hours in such a manner as to achieve the desired results. Actually, we ...