

002 Industrial Weather Station


The 002 Industrial Weather Station uses accurate and reliable sensors to measure the weather variables of interest. In fact, Met One Instruments Industrial Weather Stations are designed to provide plant operators with the weather data needed for regulatory compliance, operations and emergency response.

Moreover, depending on input/output requirements, the data logger outputs either a digital RS-232 / RS-485 in ASCII or MODBUS format or an analog voltage; or 4 -20 mA current loop for connection to the plant’s PLC’s DCS or SCADA system.

Also, the data logger store the data and perform computational preprocessing including standard deviations, averages and maximum/minimum. In addition, the 002 Weather Station provides certain alarm and control functions such as text and E-mail alerts.

Equally important, 002 Industrial Weather Station offers a large number of benefits and features that distinguish this quality product; and make it useful for almost all applications.

Features of Met One 002

  • Cloud Data Handling and Alert Options
  • Complete Integrated, Documented System, Tested
  • Low Power
  • Serial RS-232C or RS-422/485or Analog Voltage
  • Optional Current Loop Output to PLC’s, DCS or SCADA
  • MODBUS protocol

What does 002 Weather Station measure?

  • Relative humidity
  • Ambient temperature
  • Barometric pressure
  • Wind direction
  • Wind speed
  • Solar radiation (optional)
  • Rain (optional)
  • Visibility (optional)

In brief, 002 Industrial Weather Station provides weather data essential for weather safety and emergency operations. As well as providing certain controls and alerts by E-mail and in writing. Also, the system uses reliable and accurate sensors to measure weather indicators.

Besides, the weather station system supplies parts, accessories and calibrated sensors upon request.

At last, Felixtrument supplies a complete range of innovative meteorological equipment which come in different types and sizes.

Therefore, if you are in need of any meteorological equipment; you may browse through our various products which you may find in the following list; to find the one which best suits your needs.

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