The 076B Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield protects the sensors of humidity and temperature from the indirect and direct energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation. Furthermore, you may use the 076B Aspirated Radiation Shield in the most adverse conditions.
Yet, the Met One Instruments 076B Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield eliminates the errors which are caused by terrestrial and solar radiation.
Also, the Met One 076B can eliminate secondary errors which may occur because of convective heat transfer from the surfaces of outer shield as well.
Moreover, to support high accuracy differential temperature and temperature measurements; the 076B Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield samples ambient air continuously. That is why the up to the minute 076B is the best aspirated shield available in the market.
In addition, if you want to do combined measurements; you may install a humidity sensor in the shield. Equally important the 076B Aspirated Radiation Shield offers and extensive range of convincing benefits and features that make it the best-selling aspirated shield in the market.
Features of Met One 076B
- Easy tower servicing and mounting
- Errors reduced to < 0.05°F (< 0.03°C)
- Corrosion-resistant construction with white gloss epoxy enamel finish
- Easy sensor calibration and maintenance
- AC or DC power operation
- Accommodate several sensors for Delta T measurements
- Low-conductive interconnects
- Radiation errors independent of outside emissivity
To emphasize, the 076B Aspirated Radiation Shield offers a large number of applications in various industries such as Ambient Air Monitoring, Government Networks and Environmental Surveys.
At last, Felixtrument supplies a complete range of innovative meteorological equipment which come in different types and sizes.
Therefore, if you are in need of any meteorological equipment; you may browse through our various products which you may find in the following list; to find the one which best suits your needs.