

Cimel CE376 micro LiDAR for Automated Continuous Monitoring of Aerosols


Cimel CE376 micro LiDAR for Automated Continuous Monitoring of Aerosols is the most recent compact, eyesafe backscatter LiDAR with exceptional performance for automated continuous monitoring of aerosols.

The Cimel CE376 micro LiDAR operates in the visible (green) and/or near infrared (NIR) ranges, with depolarization channels available for better aerosol analysis.

The robust, fully integrated system of Cimel CE376 micro LiDA runs without any human intervention, authorization, or maintenance. Furthermore, the Cimel CE376 micro LiDAR for Automated Continuous Monitoring of Aerosols can resist harsh weather conditions thanks to its thermal enclosure.

The Cimel CE376 micro LiDAR is very simple to install (both indoors or outdoors), move, and use onboard a vehicle or plane. As a result, it is the ideal tool for monitoring industrial dust emissions, volcanic ash, urban pollution, and all types of aerosol particles.

Benefits of Cimel CE376 micro LiDAR

  • Real-time “quicklook” visualization
  • Aerosol measurements up to 9 km by daytime, and 18 km by nighttime
  • Low maintenance and high stability
  • Really short blind zone (less than 100 m) with an overlap from 1 km
  • Fully automatic extinction and backscattering profiles
  • PBL (Planet Boundary Layer) detection
  • Aerosol characterization for each layer and analysis of stratification
  • Easy transportation: indoor / outdoor / mobile operation

Felixtrument supplies a complete range of innovative meteorological equipment which come in different types and sizes. Therefore, if you are in need of any Environmental Equipment, you may browse through our various products (which you can find in the mentioned list) to find the one which best suits your needs.


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