Machine breakdowns occur because of bearing damage frequently. However, it’s possible to detect problems earlier so you can plan for corrective maintenance. In fact, predicting and detecting the failure timely is the key to cut operation costs and improve equipment and component reliability.
Therefore, if you check the bearing condition periodically; you can reduce unplanned downtime and unnecessary repair work significantly.
You can use the SPM BearingChecker to assess the condition of rolling element bearings in industrial equipment such as motors, gearboxes, pumps and fans.
In fact, data can be collected and compiled into trends showing operating condition over time through regular measurements at predefined positions, always under similar operating conditions. And, this make it possible for you to make confident maintenance decisions including planning repair work for a planned stop, or initiating more frequent condition checks.
SPM BearingChecker makes a proactive approach to maintenance which’s feasible for everyone economically. In fact, SPM BearingChecker is the go-to instrument for beginners in condition monitoring, or a companion to more advanced equipment for evaluated shock pulse measurement.
Actually, using SPM BearingChecker you can detect and monitor the potential sources without specialized training; and well before damage is detectable by heat or vibration.
Shock Pulse Measurement
SPM BearingChecker measures shock pulse levels using an external sensor (Bearing Checker BC250) or an inbuilt probe (Bearing Checker BC200). In addition, it can detect machine sound irregularities like an electronic stethoscope.
SPM BearingChecker is a simple and reliable instrument for first-line assessment of bearing condition. Furthermore, it can identify cavitation and lubrication issues as well.
Rugged Design
SPM BearingChecker is rated IP65; that’s why it can be used to check the mechanical condition of gearboxes, fans and pumps. It also can operate under the environmental conditions encountered in most industries.
As mentioned earlier, SPM BearingChecker is a handheld instrument for easy and fast measurement of bearing condition in preventive maintenance. It is push-button controlled and you can enter the basic measurement data manually.
In brief, SPM BearingChecker measures shock pulses, either using an inbuilt probe (BC200) or an external sensor (BC200). The instrument can also detect machine sound irregularities like an electronic stethoscope. Besides, measuring results are shown by red-yellow-green symbols together with a comprehensive evaluation of measurement values. You can also transfer the measuring results to a file (for example Microsoft Excel) for further processing.
SPM BearingChecker offers many options and spare parts. Therefore, if you are interested, don’t hesitate to click here and shop online.
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